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Rabu, September 24, 2008

PEGAWAI LIBRA (24 September – 23 Oktober)

Libra adalah pegawai yang detil, pekerja yang penuh dedikasi dengan
sifat alami yang sensitif. Para manajer dan rekan kerja terkadang merasa kesulitan menangani mereka. Mereka mengambil energi dari kantor dan tidak mampu mencegah energi itu mempengaruhi mereka. Suara keras, warna warna norak akan benar-benar mengganggu mereka sampai mereka tidak mampu memenuhi kewajiban mereka di kantor.

Bisa saja dalam suatu hari ia nampak sangat brilian, pekerja keras, dan ambisius. Tetapi besoknya ia datang dengan kondisi down, gampang tersinggung, dan sama sekali tidak menghasilkan apa-apa. Rekan kerja Libra tidak perlu 'mengkeret' jika bertemu mereka dalam kondisi ini. Biasanya hanya akan bertahan sebentar, karena kebahagiaan kecil sudah cukup mengusir 'kegelapan' para Libra.

Ketika para Libra berada dalam kondisi yang seimbang, mereka dapat
masuk kantor dengan kondisi kuat, maka mereka akan menyentuh segala sesuatu di kantor dengan luar biasa. Dibalik mood yang terkesan kacau itu, sebetulnya mereka adalah orang yang bahagia dan stabil. Mereka mampu menghasilkan pemikiran logis yang hebat dan mampu mengevaluasi suatu masalah dari semua sisi sebelum mengambil tindakan.

Mereka adalah orang paling cerdas diantara horoskop lainnya. Mereka
adalah mediator dan peneliti ulung. Kepekaan mereka terhadap lingkungan menjadikan mereka mampu menjaga segalanya nampak baik secara alami.
Mereka akan dengan mudah membantu memecahkan konflik orang lain dan dapat bertindak sebagai perantara antara pegawai dan majamemen, sehingga kedua belah pihak merasa bahagia.

Jika anda ingin pegawai Libra anda tetap tersenyum, beri penghargaan
kepada mereka, beri mereka posisi yang memungkinkan mereka memancarkan kharisma dan diplomasi mereka. Mereka tidak akan nyaman untuk terus menerus menerima perintah, atau dengan cara lain, pastikan bahwa mereka diberi tanggung jawab dengan proporsi yang terus meningkat.


Libra was the official that details, the worker who was full of the dedication with the natural characteristics that was sensitive. The managers and the workmate occasionally felling the difficulty handled them. They took energy from the office and could not prevent the energy affecting them. The loud voice, the colour of the kitsch colour will really disturb them until them not carried out their obligation in the office.

Could in one day he was visible very brilliant, the hard worker, and ambitious. But tomorrow him he came with the condition down, easy was touched on, and in no way produced anything. The colleague Libra might not 'shrink' if meeting them in this condition. Usually only will remain for a moment, because the small happiness has been enough to expel 'darkness' Libra.

When Libra was in the balanced condition, they could go to work with the strong condition, then they will touch something in the office extraordinarily. Overturned mood that was impressed chaotic that, actually they were the happy and stable person. They could produce logical thinker that was great and could evaluate the problem from all the sides before taking the action.

They were the person was smartest around the other horoscope. They were the mediator and the skilled researcher. Their sensitivity towards the environment made them could guard all of them visible good naturally. They will easily help solved the person's other conflict and could act as the intermediary between the official and majamemen, so as the two sides was happy.

If you wanted the official Libra you continued to smile, gave the appreciation to them, gave them the position that enabled them to broadcast charisma and their diplomacy. They will not be comfortable to continually accept the order, or by other means, confirmed that they were given by responsibility with the proportion that continued to increase.
posted by Andy Tristijanto @ 1:23 AM  
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