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Jumat, Oktober 24, 2008

PEGAWAI SCORPIO (24 Oktober – 22 Nopember)

Pegawai Scorpio umumnya memancarkan percaya diri yang tenang. Mereka orang yang puas dengan kondisi yang ada dan tidak bergantung pada orang lain mengenai harga diri. Mereka menyimpan rahasia pribadi dirinya dan dengan sangat baik memisahkannya dari pekerjaan mereka, dan mereka mampu memberikan tanggung jawab penuh untuk segala tingkah laku dan situasi mereka.

Mereka tidak mencari-cari alasan, mereka hanya mengurusi bisnis dan mengharapkan orang lain melakukan hal yang sama dengan mereka, dan bagi mereka yang tidak, entah itu rekan kerja maupun atasan, akan berhadapan dengan kemarahan kaum Scorpio. Mereka tidak keberatan membuka apa yang ada di kepala mereka, mengenai apa yang mereka anggap salah, kapanpun anda memintanya. Dan ketika anda mempermainkan kemarahan mereka, bersiaplah menerima pembalasan dendam. Mereka tidak akan mau menerima hinaan, atau musuh yang bersantai ria.

Jika anda menjadi atasan pegawai Scorpio, pastikan anda menepati janji anda, karena Scorpio menjaga segala janji anda dan akan segera
membangun perasaan enggan terhadap anda jika anda melanggar janji anda.
Anda mungkin tidak menyadarinya, sampai akhirnya anda terlambat, tetapi jika akhirnya seorang scorpio merasa anda sudah mulai keterlaluan, anda akan segera mengetahuinya. Seorang Scorpio akan bertindak sesuai dengan bagaimana lingkungan memberlakukan mereka. Jika mereka mendapat apa yang mereka mau, mereka akan sangat menerima kondisi dengan baik.

Jika anda ingin bekerja sama atau memotivasi seorang Scorpio, pastikan anda memperlakukan dirinya dengan penuh hormat dan profesional. Beri mereka tantangan kerja yang memungkinkan mereka untuk mendayagunakan kepercayaan diri dan keberanian mereka yang luar biasa.

The official Scorpio generally radiates the calm self-confidence. They the person who was satisfied with the available condition and did not depend on the other person concerning the self-esteem. They kept the personal secret himself and with very good separated him from their work, and they able to gave responsibility of being full for all the behaviours and their situation.
They did not seek the reason, they only were in charge of the business and expected the other person to do the same thing with them, and for them that not, whether that the workmate also the superior, was faced with the group's Scorpio anger.They did not object to opening what available in their head, concerning what was regarded as wrong by them, whenever you asked for him. And when you made a fool of their anger, was ready to accept revenge retaliation. They will not want to accept the insult, or enemies that relaxed cheerful.
If you became the official's superior Scorpio, confirmed you kept your promise, because Scorpio maintained all of your promises and will immediately develop the feeling reluctantly towards you if you violated your promise.You possibly did not realise him, to the end you late, but if finally a person scorpio felt you have begun to be excessive, you will immediately know him.A person of Scorpio will act in accordance with how the environment put them into effect.
If they got what they wanted, they will really accept the condition well. If you wanted to co-operate or motivate a person of Scorpio, confirmed you treated himself with respectable and professional. Give them the work challenge that enabled them to use the belief efficiently himself and their courage that was extraordinary.
posted by Andy Tristijanto @ 1:25 AM  
  • At 2:06 AM, <$BlogCommentAuthor$> said…

    Ulasannya menarik sekali :) orang scorpio memang begitu ya

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