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Senin, November 24, 2008

PEGAWAI SAGITARIUS (23 Nopember – 21 Desember)

Pegawai Sagitarius cenderung keras kepala, ceria, dan selalu siap membantu. Mereka memancarkan percaya diri yang tinggi dan menerima tugas bagaikan tidak ada hari lain untuk bekerja. Mereka bahkan berani menerima tantangan proyek sulit selama proyek itu menantang dan membuat mereka terlepas dari rutinitas.

Mereka cukup beruntung, karena kepribadian mereka yang bersinar, dan antusiasme tinggi mereka memuat mereka nampak bagaikan titik terang di kantor, atau kalau tidak, maka para rekan kantor akan segera membangun perasaan bermusuhan terhadap rekan yang nampak sombong dan flamboyan. Kecenderungan mereka untuk membesar-besarkan sesuatu, dan juga untuk menerima beban lebih dari kemampuan mereka pada umumnya menyebabkan jadwal yang meleset.

Bukan karena mereka malas atau suka menunda nunda, tetapi karena antusiasme mereka terkadang terlalu menguasai. Mereka memiliki sikap yang easy going yang memungkinkan mereka tetap tersenyum walaupun segala sesuatunya kacau. Hanya karena mereka fleksibel dan easy going, maka tidak berarti bahwa mereka tidak akan mengatakan kepada anda bagaimana persisnya perasaan dia ketika bekerja untuk anda.

Mereka tidak akan mau menerima perintah begitu saja, mereka perlu mengetahui metode dan alsan dibalik proses itu. Jika anda berusaha untuk memotivasi pekerja Sagitarius anda, pastikan bahwa anda memberi banyak proyek dan petunjuk bahwa kemungkinan akan ada perjalanan bisnis menanti begitu deadline tercapai.

Dan apapun yang anda lakukan, jangan pernah pertanyakan tujuan mereka, inilah cara paling cepat untuk memancing kemarahan mereka. Mereka tidak mampu menahan perasaan jengkel karena ditipu.


The official Sagitarius tended stubborn, cheerful, and always was ready to help. They radiated the high self-confidence and received job like was not the other day to work. They in fact brave accepted the project challenge was difficult for the project challenged and made them be free from routine.

were lucky enough, because of their identity that shone, and their high enthusiasm contained them was visible like the clear point in the office, or if not, then the colleagues of the office will immediately develop the hostile feeling towards the visible colleague arrogant and flamboyant. Their trend to exaggerate something, but also to accept the overload from their capacity generally csuse the schedule that missed.

Not because they were lazy or liked to postpone, but because of their enthusiasm occasionally too much controlled. They had the attitude that easy going that enabled them to continue to smile although everything was chaotic. Only because they were flexible and easy going, then was not significant that they will not say to you how precisely the feeling he when working for you.

They will not want to accept the order, they must know the method and reason was overturned by the process. If you tried to motivated the worker Sagitarius you, confirmed that you gave many projects and the guidance that the possibility will have the business trip wait that deadline was reached.

And anything that was done by you, did not have questioned their aim, this the method was fastest to provoke their anger. They could not keep the irritated feeling because of being cheated.
posted by Andy Tristijanto @ 1:28 AM  
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