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Selasa, Desember 12, 2006
Fokus pada KEKUATAN....
Focus to the STRENGTH....

Sewaktu kita sekolah atau kuliah, murid/mahasiswa di kelas dapat dibagi dalam 3 kategori : murid pintar, murid rata-rata dan murid bodoh. Setiap orang tua pasti menginginkan anaknya masuk ke kategori pertama yaitu murid yang pintar dan menghindari yang terakhir atau murid bodoh. Orang tua seringkali mendaftarkan anaknya untuk kursus ini, kursus itu agar nilai anaknya menjadi bagus. Orang tua seringkali memfokuskan pada kelemahan anaknya dan berusaha menutup kelemahan anaknya itu.
When we the school or the lecture, the pupil/the student could be in the class divided into 3 categories: the clever pupil, the pupil in general and the stupid pupil.Anyone old must want his child to enter the first category that is the clever pupil and avoided that was last or the stupid pupil.Parents often registered his child for this course, the course so that his value of the child becomes good.Parents often focussed in the weakness of his child and tried to close the weakness of his child.

Murid yang pintar biasanya adalah tipe yang ngotot dalam belajar, mereka takut kalau tidak bisa mengerjakan ujian dan stress jika mendapat nilai buruk. Tipe murid inilah yang biasanya ikut les ini dan itu, karena mau SEMUA pelajarannya mendapat nilai baik. Murid yang bodoh biasanya adalah tipe orang yang masabodoh, mereka tidak terlalu perduli memikirkan akan dapat nilai berapa. Murid tipe ini biasanya mempunyai SESUATU yang sangat mereka sukai dan mereka lebih suka melakukan hal itu daripada belajar. Sedangkan murid rata-rata berada di antara 2 kategori itu.
The clever pupil usually is the type that insisted in studying, they were frightened if could not do the exam and stress if receiving the bad value.The type of this pupil that usually takes part in this course and that, because of wanting ALL of his lessons to receive the good value.The stupid pupil usually is the type of the indifferent person, they did not too much care think about can think how many.This type pupil usually has SOMETHING that really were liked by them and them more liked to do that than studied.Whereas the pupil in general was among 2 categories.

Di kemudian hari, siapakah yang akan lebih sukses atau kaya dalam kehidupannya? Sukses di sini harus dibedakan dengan kaya. Menjadi kaya berarti mempunyai lebih banyak uang, sedangkan sukses berarti mengerjakan hal yang mereka sukai dan menyukai yang merekan kerjakan, dan orang-orang menghargai apa yang mereka kerjakan. Dalam banyak kasus, banyak murid yang bodoh semasa sekolah dan kuliah menjadi orang yang sukses, dan banyak pula yang menjadi sukses dan kaya. Sedangkan murid yang dulu pintar banyak juga yang menjadi kaya tapi sedikit yang sukses. Mengapa demikian ? Karena dari kecil murid yang bodoh sudah terbiasa FOKUS kepada KEKUATAN yang dia miliki, dan tidak terlalu perduli dengan kelemahannya. Sedangkan murid yang pintar biasanya TIDAK FOKUS pada sesuatu, terlebih lagi mereka terbiasa mendahulukan perbaikan pada kelemahan.
In afterwards the day, who that will be more successful or rich in his life?The success must be here distinguished richly.To rich meant to have more money, whereas the significant success did the matter that was liked by them and liked that be a colleague of did, and people appreciated what was done by them.In many cases, many pupils who were stupid when the school and the lecture became the successful person, and many also that became successful and rich.Whereas the pupil that previously clever quite a few that became rich but a little that was successful.Why was like this?Because from small the stupid pupil has been used to it the FOCUS to the STRENGTH that he had, and too much did not care about his weakness.Whereas the clever pupil usually NOT the FOCUS in something, at first again they were used to give precedence to the improvement in the weakness.

Jika anak anda termasuk dalam kategori anak pintar, jangan terlalu cepat senang dahulu. Tetaplah gali apa yang ia suka, apa yang dengan senang ia lakukan, berilah support agar ia melakukan hal yang ia senangi dan tidak hanya belajar terus menerus. Sedangkan jika anak anda termasuk anak yang bodoh dan lebih menyukai kesenangannya daripada belajar, carilah suatu alasan mengapa belajar itu juga penting untuk mendukung kesenangannya. Misalnya ia suka sekali dengan dunia otomotif, beri dia pengertian bahwa seorang ahli otomotif harus mengerti bahasa Ingggris supaya dapat sukses di luar negeri, atau harus mengerti matematika agar nantinya mengerti mesin dengan baik, dsb.
If your child including in the category of the clever child, don't be too fast was happy beforehand.Continue to dig up what he liked, what happily he did, gave support so that he does the matter that he liked and only did not study continually.Whereas if your child including the stupid child and more liked his happiness than studied, looked for a reason why studied same important to support his happiness.For example him liked very much with the automotive world, gave him the understanding that an automotive expert must understand the Ingggris language to be able to be successful overseas, or must understand mathematics so that eventually understood the machine well, etc..

Jika sekarang anda bekerja sebagai seorang karyawan, andapun tentu dibiasakan oleh perusahaan untuk ditambal kelemahannya. Setiap akhir tahun setelah diadakan penilaian prestasi, pasti ada kelemahan si karyawan yang diperhatikan oleh atasan dan kemudian dibuatkan "Plan for Development" dengan mengikutkan karyawan tersebut pada suatu training yang dapat membantu memperbaiki kelemahannya itu, sedangkanuntuk kelebihannya hanya diminta untuk dipertahankan.
If now you work as an employee, you also certainly were made accustomed to by the company being mended by his weakness.Each year end after being held by the assessment of the achievement, must have the weakness of the employee who was paid attention to by the superior and afterwards was made the "Plan for Development" by including this employee to some training that could help improved his weakness, whereas for his surplus only was asked to be maintained.

Mereka yang hanya memfokuskan diri pada memperbaiki kelemahan biasanya lebih sulit menemukan impiannya dibandingkan mereka yang terbiasa fokus pada kekuatannya. Jadi jangan terpaku pada kelemahan anda, fokuskan perhatian anda lebih kepada kekuatan anda...

They who only focussed themselves in improves the weakness usually more was difficult to find his dream compared with them who were used to it the focus in his strength.So don't be motionless in your weakness, focussed your attention more to your strength

posted by Andy Tristijanto @ 12:20 AM   0 comments
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