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Minggu, Januari 21, 2007
Beda Usaha....
The efforts difference....

Pada waktu bersamaan Setyanto dan Bagyo diterima bekerja pada sebuah perusahaan biskuit sebagai tenaga pemasaran. Tak salah perusahaan memilih mereka. Terbukti, keduanya melakukan semua tugas dengan baik sesuai target.
When simultaneously Setyanto and Bagyo were received worked to a biscuit company as the marketing power. Was not wrong the company chose them.
It was proven, both of them carried out all the tasks well in accordance with the target.

Yang menarik, perjalanan karier mereka mulai berbeda saat memasuki tahun kedua. Bagyo di promosikan menduduki jabatan manajer sedangkan Setyanto tidak. Setyanto sakit hati dan iri pada kesuksesan Bagyo. Pasalnya, yang dilakukan Bagyo tidak jauh berbeda dengan yang dia kerjakan. Akhirnya ia mengajukan surat pengunduran diri.
It was interesting, their career trip began to be different during entered the second year. Bagyo in promoted occupied the position of the manager whereas Setyanto not. Setyanto was offended and was jealous of the Bagyo success.
His article, that was done by Bagyo was not far be different to that he did.
Finally he put forward the resignation letter.

“Mengapa kau lakukan hal ini ?” Tanya Eko Prambudi, atasannya.
“Terus terang saya tidak puas, lantaran kriteria yang mendasari promosi jabatan di Perusahaan ini tidak jelas,” jawab Setyanto.
‘Oh, begitu!” Pak Eko maklum kemana arah pernyataan anak buahnya.
“Begini saja. Sebelum saya tandatangani suratmu, pergilah ke jalan. Laporkan apakah ada toko yang menjual produk kita.”
“Oke,” jawab Setyanto. Beberapa saat kemudian ia kembali dan melaporkan yang didapatnya. “Ya, benar. Ada biskuit kita yang dijual di jalan hari ini.”
“Why was done by you this?” asked Eko Prambudi, his superior.
“Obviously I was unsatisfied, the reason for the criterion that provided a basis for the promotion of the position in this Company not clear,” answered Setyanto.
‘Oh, like that!” Mr Eko understood where his direction of the subordinate's statement.

“Before being signed by me your letter, went to the road. Reported whether having the shop that sold our product.”
“Oke,” answered Setyanto. A few moments later he came back and reported that was met by him.“Yes, true.There was our biscuit that is sold in the road today.”

Saat itu Bagyo dipanggil juga dan disuruh melakukan hal yang sama. Limabelas menit kemudian Bagyo kembali untuk melaporkan apa yang didapatnya.
“Di sepanjang jalan ini hanya ada satu toko yang menjual biskuit dari perusahaan kita. Pemiliknya bernama Sholehudin. Ia menjual biskuit kelapa Rp 15.000/kg. Sedangkan biskuit coklat ia jual Rp. 12.500/kg. Kalau nilai belanjaan seseorang melebihi Rp. 50 ribu, ia memberi bonus 1 bungkus biskuit lemon gratis. Apalagi informasi yang anda perlukan pak?” jelas Bagyo.
At that time Bagyo was called also and was told to do the same thing.
Fifteen minutes afterwards Bagyo came back to report what was gotten by him.
“As long as this road only had one shop that sold the biscuit from our company.
His owner was named Sholehudin. He sold the coconut biscuit IDR 15.000/kg.
Whereas his chocolate biscuit sold IDR 12.500/kg.
If the value of the shopping someone exceeded IDR 50 thousand, he gave the bonus 1 free package of the lemons biscuit. Moreover information that was needed by you Sir?” clear Bagyo.

“Cukup. Terima kasih, kamu boleh keluar,” jawab sang Bos. Kemudian ia bertanya kepada Setyanto yang termanggu di tempatnya. “Apakah kamu masih tetap ingin mundur?”
“Tidak jadi,” jawab Setyanto tersipu. “Saya akan berusaha melakukan sesuatu lebih dari Bagyo.”
“Is enought. Thank you, you might out please,” answered the Boss.
Afterwards he asked Setyanto that quiet in his place.
“What you were still continuing to want to retreat?”
“Still not,” answered Setyanto blushed.
“I'll try to do something more than Bagyo.
posted by Andy Tristijanto @ 10:06 PM   3 comments
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