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Jumat, Maret 02, 2007

Apabila kita mempunyai skill untuk mengenali gerakan mata lawan bicara kita saat berkomunikasi, maka kita dapat mengetahui sifat-sifat seseorang dan lebih mudah untuk bergaul karena tidak mudah berburuk sangka atau memvonis seseorang dengan hal-hal yang negatif.
If we had skill to know the movement of our interlocutor's eyes when communicating, then we could know the characteristics someone and more was easy to socialise because of being not easy badly idea or sentenced someone with negative matters.
Berdasarkan gerakan matanya saat berbicara sifat manusia dapat di kategorikan dalam dua bagian:
Was based on the movement of his eyes when speaking the characteristics of humankind could in categorised in two parts:

1.Melirik keatas, mendatar, ke bawah: Visual-Auditory-Kino
-Orang Visual (dominasi penglihatan). Lirikan keatas bila berbicara.

Umumnya senang akan barang-barang bagus, hal yang indah-indah, serasi dan terpadu. Sangat senang bepergian, berbelanja, makan diluar, cepat dalam bergerak/gesit, atau rapi dalam berpakaian, dalam hal-hal pekerjaan di kantor, dirumah ataupun disekolah, sekalipun dalam segala kesederhanaan, dia ingin menata lingkungan pribadinya dengan rapi. Idaman hatinya yang tampan/cantik adalah utama baginya.
-Orang Auditory (dominasi pendengaran). Lirikan mendatar ke kiri/kanan bila berbicara.
Pada umumnya suka mengobrol dan dapat berbicara untuk waktu yang lama, demikian pula berbicara di telepon untuk waktu yang lama pula. Senang pujian ikhlas baik yang ditujukan untuk dirinya sendiri, maupun kebalikkannya, mudah diajak berteman karena ada saja bahan bicara (tidak kaku) dan senang pula di ajak ngobrol dari hati-ke hati. Hati-hati asal jangan menjurus ke gosip negatif dan menjadi cerewet.
-Orang Kinestatic (kino/berperasaan halus). Lirikan kebawah bila berbicara.
Pada umumnya berperasaan halus, bersikap manja, senang bersentuhan badan atau berpelukan, senang akan hal-hal yang romantis dan tidak mengherankan pula kalau orang ini mudah sedih dan menangis karena perasaannya peka. Kadang-kadang diejek sebagai orang yang loyo atau kurang bersemangat, tapi sebetulnya gerak-geriknya memang halus dan lemah gemulai. Idaman hatinya tidak perlu cantik/tampan, tapi kasih sayang adalah yang utama

Pembagian ketiga sifat diatas bukan berarti bahwa yang satu lebih baik daripada yang lain, melainkan sama tingkatannya. Yang membedakan hanya sifat dominasi-nya saja.

1. Glance at above, horizontal, down: Visual-Auditory-Kino
-the Visual Person (the domination of the sight).Glance at above when speaking.
Generally happy would good things, the very beautiful, harmonious and solidest matter.
It was very happy that the road, shopped, ate outside, fast in moving/agile, or neat in dressing, in matters of the work in the office, at home or in the school, although in all simplicity, he wanted to organise his personal environment neatly.
It was ideal that his heart that was appropriate/pretty was main for him.
-the Person Auditory (the domination of listening). Glance was level to left/right when speaking.
Generally liked to be able to chat and speak for a long time, likewise spoke in the telephone for a long time also.
Happily sincere praise both that was aimed for himself, opposite him, was easy to be asked to be friends because of being the material spoke (not stiff) and was also happy in asked chatted from heart-to the heart.
Be careful the origin should not menjuris to the negative gossip and became fussy.

-the Person Kinestatic (kino/sensitive soft). Glance to down when speaking.
Generally sensitive soft, had a spoilt attitude, liked to be touching the body or embraced, happily would romantic matters and did not surprise also if this person found it easy sad and cried because his feeling was sensitive.Sometimes was ridiculed as the weak person or not all that was enthusiastic, but actually his movements were indeed refined and graceful.It was ideal that his heart might not pretty/handsome, but the affection was that main.

The distribution of the three characteristics above not significant that that more than one good than that was other, but was the same his stage.That distinguished only characteristics of his domination then.

2.Melirik ke arah kiri atau ke kanan: akses sisi memory atau kontruksi
-Melirik ke kanan: sisi Konstruksi
Menggambarkan/membayangkan sesuatu yang baru (mungkin saja berbohong)
-Melirik ke kiri : sisi Memory/Daya ingat
Mengingat hal yang betul-betul pernah terjadi (dimasa lalu)

Umumnya bagian memori 95% ada di sebelah kiri, tapi untuk lebih tepat sebaiknya diperhatikan gerakan matanya saat berbicara yang melibatkan memory.

Pelatihan NAC (Neuro Associative Conditioning) oleh Ronald & Lily Nurdanadarma, NAC Specialists..

2.Glance at to the left or to right: side access memory or construction
-Glance At to right: the side construction
Depict/imagined something that was new (possibly told lies)
-Glance at to left: the Memory side/the power of remembered.
Remembered the matter that really had happened (in the past)

Generally the memory part 95% was on the left, but to more exact better be paid attention to by the movement of his eyes when speaking that involved memory.

Source: NAC Training (Neuro Associative Conditioning) by Ronald & Lily Nurdanadarma, NAC Specialists..
To be continued…
posted by Andy Tristijanto @ 1:36 AM   3 comments
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