Malam telah larut saat saya meninggalkan kantor. Telah lewat pukul 11 malam. Pekerjaan yang menumpuk, membuat saya harus pulang selarut ini. Ah, hari yang menjemukan saat itu. Terlebih, setelah beberapa saat berjalan, warna langit tampak memerah. Rintik hujan mulai turun. Lengkap sudah. Badan yang lelah ditambah dengan "acara" kehujanan. Setengah berlari saya mencari tempat berlindung. Untunglah, penjual nasi goreng yang mangkal di pojok jalan, mempunyai tenda sederhana. Lumayan, pikir saya. Segera saya berteduh, menjumpai bapak penjual yang sendirian ditemani rokok dan lampu petromak yang masih menyala. Dia menyilahkan saya duduk. "Disini saja dik, daripada kehujanan...," begitu katanya saat saya meminta ijin berteduh. The night was protracted when I left my office. Has through struck 11 nights. Work heaping, made me must come home was as protracted as this. Ah, boring day at that time. At first, after several times went, the colour of appearance sky became red. Light rain began to descend. Complete already. The tired body was increased with the “agenda" was wet. Half ran I looked for the protected place. Fortunately, seller fried rice in the corner of the road, had the simple tent. Moderate, I thought. Immediately I took shelter, met the seller who was alone was accompanied cigarettes and light petromak that still was on. He invited me to sit. "Here Dik, than was wet...”, so he said when I asked permission to take shelter.
Benar saja, hujan mulai deras, dan kami makin terlihat dalam kesunyian yang pekat. Karena merasa tak nyaman atas kebaikan bapak penjual dan tendanya, saya berkata, "tolong bikin mie goreng pak, di makan disini saja." Sang Bapak tersenyum, dan mulai menyiapkan tungku apinya. Dia tampak sibuk. Bumbu dan penggorengan pun telah siap untuk di racik. Tampaklah pertunjukkan sebuah pengalaman yang tak dapat diraih dalam waktu sebentar. Tangannya cekatan sekali meraih botol kecap dan segenap bumbu. Segera saja,mie goreng yang mengepul telah terhidang. Keadaan yang semula canggung mulai hilang. Basa-basi saya bertanya, "Wah hujannya tambah deras nih, orang-orang makin jarang yang keluar ya Pak?" Bapak itu menoleh kearah saya, dan berkata, "Iya dik, jadi sepi nih dagangan saya.." katanya sambil menghisap rokok dalam-dalam. Kalau hujan begini, jadi sedikit yang beli ya Pak?" kata saya, "Wah, rezekinya jadi berkurang dong ya?" Duh. Pertanyaan yang bodoh. Tentu saja tak banyak yang membeli kalau hujan begini. Tentu, pertanyaan itu hanya akan membuat Bapak itu tambah sedih. It was just true, rain began to be swift, and we increasingly was seen in thick solitude. Because of feeling not comfortable on goodness and his tent of the seller's father, I said, "please made noodles fried Sir, in ate here then." With smiled the seller began prepared his stove. He appeared busy. The spice and the wok then were ready to in cut. Apparently showed an experience that could not be gained in time for a moment. His hands were very capable gained the bottle of soy sauce and all the spices. Immediately, fried noodles that were steaming has ready to eat. The situation that originally uneasy began to be lost. My courtesy asked, "Oh his rain heavier here, people were increasingly rare that went please out Sir?" The father turned to the side of me, and said, "Yes Dik, so quiet here my merchandise.". He said while sucking cigarettes in-in. “If rain like this, so a little that bought yes Sir?” I said, "And, his fortune was still decreasing please ok?" Duh. Stupid question. Of course not many that bought if rain like this. Certainly, the question only will make Sir that sadder.
Namun, agaknya saya keliru... However, apparently I was wrong...
Gusti Allah, ora sare dik, (Tuhan itu tidak pernah istirahat), begitu katanya. "Rezeki saya ada dimana-mana. Saya malah senang kalau hujan begini. Istri sama anak saya di kampung pasti dapat air buat sawah. Yah, walaupun nggak lebar, tapi lumayan lah tanahnya." Bapak itu melanjutkan, "Anak saya yang disini pasti bisa ngojek payung kalau besok masih hujan...". Deg. Duh, hati saya tergetar. Gusti Allah, ora sare Dik, (the Lord had not rested), so he said. "My fortune was everywhere."I even was happy if rain like this. My wife with my child in the certain village could water for the paddy-field. Yes, although not wide, but moderate his land. The father continued, "my Child that here definitely could rent the umbrella if tomorrow still rain...". Deg. Duh, my heart was trembling.
Bapak itu benar, "Gusti Allah ora sare." Tuhan Memang Maha Kuasa, yang tak pernah istirahat buat hamba-hamba-Nya. Saya rupanya telah keliru memaknai hidup. Filsafat hidup yang saya punya, tampak tak ada artinya di depan perkataan sederhana itu. Maknanya terlampau dalam, membuat saya banyak berpikir dan menyadari kekerdilan saya di hadapan Tuhan. Saya selalu berpikiran, bahwa hujan adalah bencana, adalah petaka bagi banyak hal. Saya selalu berpendapat, bahwa rezeki itu selalu berupa materi, dan hal nyata yang bisa digenggam dan dirasakan. Dan saya juga berpendapat, bahwa saat ada ujian yang menimpa, maka itu artinya saya cuma harus bersabar. Namun saya keliru. Hujan, memang bisa menjadi bencana, namun rintiknya bisa menjadi anugerah bagi setiap petani. Derasnya juga adalah berkah bagi sawah-sawah yang perlu diairi. Derai hujan mungkin bisa menjadi petaka, namun derai itu pula yang menjadi harapan bagi sebagian orang yang mengojek payung, atau mendorong mobil yang mogok. Hmm... saya makin bergegas untuk menyelesaikan mie goreng itu. Beribu pikiran tampak seperti lintasan-lintasan cahaya yang bergerak dibenak saya. "Ya Tuhan, Engkau memang tak pernah beristirahat." Untunglah,hujan telah reda, dan sayapun telah selesai makan. Dalam perjalanan pulang, hanya kata itu yang teringat, Gusti Allah Ora Sare..... The father was true, " the Lord had not rested." The lord Quite Maha Kuasa, that had not rested for slaves him. I apparently was wrong to meaning of lived. Philosophy lived that I had, appearance was not meaning that in front of the simple words. His meaning too much in, made me often thought and realised smaller opposite the Lord. I always was thoughtful, that rain was the disaster, was the misfortune for many matters. I always believed, that the fortune always took the form of material, and the real matter that could be held and felt. And I also believed, that when having the exam that fall on, that is why meaning that I must only be patient. However I was wrong. Rain, indeed could become the disaster, but the raindrop could become the gift for each farmer. Rainfall was the blessing for paddy-fields that must be irrigated. Rainfall possibly became the misfortune, but rainfall also became hope for some people to rent the umbrella, or pushed the car that stalled. Hmm... I was increasingly hurrying to complete the fried noodles. Had a mother thoughts of appearance like the tracks of the moving light on my head. "Oh lord, You indeed had not rested." Fortunately, rain abated, and I also was finished ate. In the trip came home, only the words that be reminded, the Lord had not rested...
Gusti Allah Ora Sare… Begitulah, saya sering takjub pada hal-hal kecil yang ada di depan saya. Tuhan memang selalu punya banyak rahasia, dan mengingatkan kita dengan cara yang tak terduga. Selalu saja, Dia memberikan Cinta kepada saya lewat hal-hal yang sederhana. Dan hal-hal itu, kerap membuat saya menjadi semakin banyak belajar. Dulu, saya berharap, bisa melewati tahun ini dengan hal-hal besar, dengan sesuatu yang istimewa. Saya sering berharap, saat saya bertambah usia, harus ada hal besar yang saya lampaui. Seperti tahun sebelumnya, saya ingin ada hal yang menakjubkan saya lakukan. Namun, rupanya tahun ini Tuhan punya rencana lain buat saya. Dalam setiap doa saya, sering terucap agar saya selalu dapat belajar dan memaknai hikmah kehidupan. Dan kali ini Tuhan pun tetap memberikan saya yang terbaik. Saya tetap belajar, dan terus belajar, walaupun bukan dengan hal-hal besar dan istimewa. The Lord had not rested.... Such was, I often astonishment whereas trivial available in front of me. The lord indeed always had often was secret, and reminded us by means of that was not expected. Always, he gave the Love to me through simple matters. And the matters, often made me to more often studied. Previously, I hoped, could pass this year with big matters, with something that was special. I often hoped, when I improved the age, must have the big matter that was exceeded by me. Like the year beforehand, I wanted to have the amazing matter was done by me. However, apparently this year the Lord had the other plan for me. In each one of my prayers, often said that I could always study and meaning life wisdom. And this time the Lord then continued to give me who was best. I stayed studying, and always studied, although not with big and special matters.
Aku berdoa agar diberikan kekuatan... Namun, Tuhan memberikanku cobaan agar aku kuat menghadapinya... I prayed in order to be given by the strength... However, the Lord gave me the ordeal so that I strong faced him...
Aku berdoa agar diberikan kebijaksanaan... Namun, Tuhan memberikanku masalah agar aku mampu memecahkannya... I prayed in order to be given by the policy... However, the Lord gave me the problem so that I could break him...
Aku berdoa agar diberikan kecerdasan... Namun, Tuhan memberikanku otak dan pikiran agar aku dapat belajar dari-Nya... I prayed in order to be given by intelligence... However, the Lord gave me the brain and thoughts so that I could learn from him...
Aku berdoa agar diberikan keberanian...Namun, Tuhan memberikanku persoalan agar aku mampu menghadapinya... I prayed in order to be given by courage... However, the Lord gave me the problem so that I could face him...
Aku berdoa agar diberikan cinta dan kasih sayang..... Namun, Tuhan memberikanku orang-orang yang luka hatinya agar aku dapat berbagi dengan mereka... I prayed in order to be given by the love and the affection..... However, the Lord gave me people that his heart wound so that aku could share with them... Aku berdoa agar diberikan kebahagiaan... Namun, Tuhan memberikanku pintu kesempatan agar aku dapat memanfaatkannya... I prayed in order to be given happiness... However, the Lord gave me the door to the opportunity so that I could made use of him...