PEGAWAI AQUARIUS (21 Januari - 19 Pebruari)
Pegawai Aquarius tidak dapat menerima ketidak adilan di kantor. Rencana yang sangat rumit baru akan mendapat tanggapan positif jika ada orang Aquarius terlibat dalam rencana itu. Mereka akan berusaha membuat semua orang melihat sisi baik dari kondisi seburuk apapun. Mereka sangat cerdas, sehingga seringkali menyebabkan pihak manajemen kelabakan jika mereka dirasa tidak adil dan tidak cerdas. Bukan karena mereka terlalu ambisius dan berpikir bahwa mereka dapat mendapat pekerjaan yang lebih baik, mereka hanya berpikir orang yang memiliki kekuasaan harusnya memiliki pengetahuan lebih. Kebanyakan pekerja Aquarius masih mencoba mencari diri sendiri, dan cenderung ingin mencoba berbagai pekerjaan di tempat kerja.
Apapun yang mereka lalukan, mereka akan melakukan dengan penuh kesadaran. Pada umumnya mereka memiliki etos kerja pribadi yang cukup kuat , dan termasuk didalamnya nilai pribadi yang cukup tinggi. Kecerdasan, intelegensi tinggi, dan kemampuan mereka untuk dapat dipercaya membuat mereka mendapat banyak teman di tempat kerja.
Dibawah sifat mereka yang terkadang aneh, terdapat pemikiran yang mantap dan kepekaan terhadap sesama karyawan. Manjakan karyawan Aquarius anda dengan memberi berbagai kesempatan untuk belajar pengetahuan baru. Kenaikan gaji tidak terlalu penting bagi mereka. Tidak akan ada uang sejumlah apapun cukup untuk menjaga mereka berada di posisi yang sa ma.
Jangan biarkan mereka merasa bosan, atau kalau mereka sampai bosan, mereka akan segera meninggalkan pekerjaan yang sekarang dan akan mencari yang baru, dan itu tidak susah, karena mereka pintar, dan sangat mudah mencari mereka.
artikel selanjutnya... PEGAWAI PISCES
The official Aquarius could not receive unfairness in the office. The very complicated plan just received the positive response if having the person Aquarius was involved in the plan. They will try to make everyone see the good side from the condition was as bad as anything. They were very smart, so as often caused the management side to be unstable if they were it was felt unjust and not smart. Not because they were too ambitious and thought they could receive the better work, they only thought the person who had the authority must him had knowledge more. Most the worker Aquarius was still trying to look for himself, and to tend to want to try various works in the workplace.
Anything that was passed by by them, they will carry fully out the awareness. Generally they had the personal work ethic that strong enough, and including personal inside thought that was high enough. Intelligence, intelegensi high, and their capacity to could be believed made them meet many friends in the workplace.
Supervised by their characteristics that occasionally strange, was gotten by stable thinking and the sensitivity against the fellow employee. Spoil the employee Aquarius you with gave various the opportunity to study new knowledge. The salary increase was not too important for them. Will not have money totalling anything was enough to take care of them was in the position that same.
Don't let them feel bored, or if they until bored, they will immediately leave the work that now and would mencarithat was new, and that was not difficult, because they were clever, and really was easy to look for them.
The further article... the PISCES OFFICIAL